Websites for clients – Web design, web development, logo design, content creation and editor training.
Personal identity – Personal identity used for personal and business purposes consisting of a monogram logo, a pattern based upon it and a business card.
redigester – The best content of reddit and Hacker News in the least amount of time.
Color schemes – High-contrast terminal color schemes.
Arch Linux – My packages in the Arch User Repository.
HumanamuH – HumanamuH is a website (currently offline) where humans meet. HumanamuH predicts which people will enrich your life and lets you meet them.
Humidity calculator – Calculate air’s relative humidity after changing its temperature.
SBSI calculator – Calculates your Surface-Based Body Shape Index (SBSI).
Mac software
BatteryLevel – Dashboard widget that shows battery levels of wireless Apple input devices.
OTRDecoderX – Decodes recordings from OnlineTVRecorder.